30 Days of Art


14th & B

events - 14thandfsquared.png


  • 14th & B Productions
  • 30 days of art - presented by Brooklyn Wildlife
  • GAMBA forest

BBs / Fsquared

  • @trailerparksweetheart
  • @skincrawlr
  • @torinopants
  • @blushandbangs
  • @lexliketheavenue
  • Rachel Moledo
  • @brokenbridgeacademy
  • @graficdesignr
  • @ctyzn
  • @eatthecakenyc
  • @parnhashnakovsky
  • @mhgurney

Notable Attendees:

  • Lakita P Jackson (Kita P Music)
  • Precious Gorgeous (Black God Pantheon)
  • Jadon Woodard (Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey)
  • Stephen Calabria (The Comedy Cellar)
  • Michelle Joni (Preschool Mastermind)

About the Event

D.I.Y. Darlings 14th & B Productions (Mug Life) are using “30 Days of Art - presented by bk wildlife” for more than Muglife X Wildlife: Round II, and have decided to use their day at GAMBAforest to join forces with #BBs Fsquared (Rachel Frex Lloyd -- Mug Life’s “Deep Blue” / & photographer/videographer -- Saskia Foo) while combining a flair for fashion with eco-friendliness and fun!

This event is all about upcycling, reusing and restyling old clothing that would otherwise be thrown out.

Unfortunately, the industry of fast fashion has created significant environmental problems due to the amount of clothing that gets tossed in the trash each year.  According to Newsweek, the amount of clothing thrown away by Americans has doubled from 7 million to 14 million tons over the past 20 years.  These stunning statistics (on top of our vast array of clothing we have collected over the years) inspired us to create this event, which aims to keep old clothes from being trashed and instead repurposed into cool new designs.

Anyone is welcome to participate in this event!  Feel free to bring not only any clothing you had been considering donating or throwing out, but other items (sequins, buttons, anything you want) that will help in your clothing transformation! There will also be an assortment of clothing, fabric, decoration and sewing equipment.

All coats will go to New York Cares. Excess clothing will continue being upcycled by a combination of trade/reuse amongst the attendees and individualized/independent/personalized donation.

All scrap fabric will be gathered together and reused on 14th&B wardrobe and set pieces to symbolize the necessity of being environmentally conscious in our fashion decisions.