14th & B Productions LLC

Cuddle Puddle 14th&BBs X BWSF 2016
Photo via Brooklyn Wildlife Summer Fest 2016 / Bushwick Bizarre's "Where the Wild Things Are" monthly event - Presented by BK Wildlife.
Iffy rests her head on Lex, who's cheek to cheek with Tori, who's arms wrap around Lilly's. Joi had exited the cuddle puddle moments before, but definitely loves them back.

Victoria Vitkwosky-Bennett
Tori V. photo via Eat the Cake NYC

Amanda Bruton
photo via Amanda Bruton

Iffy Roma
via Janette Beckman x Girl Be Heard

Jada Jarvis

Joi Sanchez
via Josh Iowa

Kita P
photo via Swift Brand
Kita P is a singer/songwriter bringing to you that #BlindVibe thru her melodic blend in range and rhythm. Performing all over NYC with guitar in-hand!! Sometimes she's accompanied by her band #BlackLicorice. She is also a part of a collective, Black God Pantheon (A group of Black artists of many different facets bringing to you TRUTH TO POWER through their artistic expression). In 2015 she launched her monthly series #KitaPMusicSessions brought to you by #UrbanVersionMedia aka Brooklyn Blues, highlighting bassists and guitarists, bringing to you the musician behind the music.

Lex Friedman & Tori V.
via Josh Iowa
Lex Friedman
Via Eat the Cake NYC for The Rack Shack BK

Melissa Hunter Gurney
photo via Eat the Cake NYC

Melissa Hunter Gurney
Photo via Christoph Carr

GAMBAforest | GAMBAmagazine | The Island of GAMBAzini

Mercy Bell
Mercy Bell is a Nashville based Americana artist. She writes music heavily inspired by the traditional American folk, 1960s folk, and early 90s songwriters she grew up listening to. She was born in Boston, MA, spent her childhood in California and moved back to Massachusetts as a teenager. She studied history at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. After college she moved to New York City to pursue music hardly knowing anyone, with a duffle bag, an air mattress, and a guitar. She lived there for several years, and was actively involved in the music scene there. In 2010 she launched a successful $8,000 Kickstarter project to create her first album "All Good Cowboys" which her friend Danielle DePalma produced. She moved to Nashville in 2012. She was 2nd place finalist of the Nashville radio station Lightning 100's Music City Mayhem 2013.

Mecca Shabazz
14th&BrokenBridgeAcademy via Eat the Cake NYC/Chris Carr for BWSF2016

Merc The Big Body Benz
photo: unscripted_moments
When you mix that authentic New York Hip-Hop "Boom Bap" sound with mind blowing lyricism and love for self and kind, you get Merc...The Goddess Emcee.
Mercedes Barnes, better known as Merc The Big Body Benz (formerly known as Young Merc) is a wicked warrior emcee from Jamaica, Queens.

Nicole Goodwin
photo via Starvin' Marvin Mendlinger
Nicole Goodwin is the 2013-2014 Queer Art Mentorship Queer Art Literary Fellow, as well as the winner of The Fresh Fruit Festival’s 2013 Award for Performance Poetry. She is also the finalist for the Poet House 2013 Poet House Emerging Poets Fellowship Program. Recently, she published the articles “Talking with My Daughter…” and “Why is this Happening in Your Life…” (Personal essay/Review for award-winning documentary Tough Love) in the New York Times’ parentblog Motherlode. Additionally, her work '"Desert Flowers" was shortlisted and selected for performance by the Women's Playwriting International Conference in Cape Town, South Africa.
via Amazon

photo via Eva Mueller

photo via Eat the Cake NYC / Wildlife X MUGLIFE
Pan prefers gender-free/neutral pronouns. Though hardly offended by Her/Him/They pronouns, Pan would really like it if people could see beyond corporeal appearances, & simply use names(not gender) to identify folks. Pan is a Buddhist, nudist, panurgist, lover of strange words, full blown smart ass, half-assed vegan, half-baked anarchist, wake & bake pro, prophet for non-profit, pansexual, polyamorous, sapiosexual who thinks mushrooms will save the world.
Pan has questions, so many questions…

!["In the Middle" [Sole Rebel X 14th & B]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55a6f5c6e4b01402c2fa51ce/1506464303803-61N7B6KEVRJ46X8VVKQR/image-asset.jpeg)